Single-Leg Deadlift is a unilateral workout to improve the strength of the posterior chain (glutes, core, lower back, and hamstring muscles). Since it is a unilateral workout it is very effective in

  • Improving balance
  • Build stability of feet and knees
  • Build hip abductor strength

How to do it

This workout requires kettlebell or dumbbell and follow the below steps:

  • Start with standing in a neutral position. Hold the dumbbell/kettlebell with both hands with arms fully stretched.
  • Position yourself to stand on one leg, while the other leg is slightly folded and is in the air. Keep the knee of the standing leg soft for better balance. See figure A.
  • Slowly push back and raise the leg in the air (with the standing leg acting as a hinge), while you bend forward at hips with weight. Press the tailbone back when raising the leg to keep the back flat.
  • When the leg is raised, flex the toes upwards to keep the leg activated. Ensure the posterior chain is in a straight line as shown in figure B.
  • Continue to descend down slowly while simultaneously raising the rear leg. Adjust the knee bend as needed.
  • Once you reach the lowest point/dead position (the weight you are holding touches the ground), slowly lift the weight and raise up to the starting position in figure A.
  • Squeeze the glutes once you reach the starting position, and repeat the movement.
  • Keep the neck neutral, this will help in not hunching the shoulders. Let your gaze follow the movement.

When to do it

This is best done as part of your strength training. To begin with, one can use a 4kg/5kg kettlebell/dumbbell. Do 2 sets of 10 on each side. As a progression, slowly increase the reps to 15 and then 20, and also weights can be increased.