Frog Pose, also known as Mandukasana, improves hip mobility, allowing for a better stride and reducing the risk of hip injuries. Frog pose stretches the hip adductors (including groin & inner thighs), lower back and keeps them supple.
How to do it?
- Start by coming down onto your hands and knees, with your wrists directly below your shoulders and your knees below your hips.
- Slowly and gradually, bring your knees wider apart, allowing them to go as wide as comfortable for you.
- As you take your knees apart, gently lower down your hips towards the ground, feeling a stretch in your inner thighs and the groin. Make sure to keep your spine straight and your chest lifted.
- If you want to deepen it, you can slowly lower your forearms down to the mat, keeping your elbows below your shoulders as shown in the picture.
- Once you’re in the deepest position, take slow and deep breaths, allowing your body to relax and sink deeper into the stretch with each exhale.
- Hold the pose for about 1-2 minutes. Remember to listen to your body and modify the pose as needed.
When to do it?
Make it part of your mobility or static stretching routine.