Hip strength is one of the most important aspects of running. Banded Clamshell exercise enables the strengthening of the gluteus medius and stabilizes the pelvis muscles. This workout if done regularly improves the strength and stability of the hip abductor muscles.

How to do it?
  • Wrap the resistance band just above the knees
  • Lie on one side with legs stacked up and bent from the knees at 45° as shown in the image above (Picture A)
  • Keep your core and glutes engaged
  • While keeping the foot on the other, slowly raise the upper knee to ~60° or till the maximum resistance and hold it for 2-4 seconds (Picture B)
  • Once done, bring it back to the resting state slowly.
  • When raising the leg, ensure the glutes are engaged and the hip does not tilt backward
  • This needs to be repeated on both sides
When to do it?

To begin with start with 2 sets of 15 repetitions on sides. It is recommended to do as a mobility exercise, this helps in the activation of glute muscles thus can be done before the run. Also can be done as part of the strength training. Once you are used to one level of the resistance band, it is advised to increase the resistance gradually.