Lunge with torso twist is a dynamic warm-up is a compound movement that has multiple benefits. To begin with, as a lunge, it is a great activation drill for hip flexors, and hamstrings. The movement of twisting the torso improves pelvic rotation which is key to a good running stride.

The low range of pelvic rotation limits the stride and can induce other compensations including excessive use of shoulder rotation, and cross-over gait. Check out our post on Pelvic Rotation.

How to do it?

The workout involves a compound movement. It starts with forward lunge and then involves the twisting of the torso. You can also optionally hold a dumbbell or a medicinal ball for better balance and added difficulty.

  • Stand in a neutral position as shown in figure A.
  • Lunge forward by taking one leg forward. Keep the torso straight, as you lunge forward. The knee of the rare foot should almost touch the ground as shown in figure B.
  • While you are in the forward lunge position, you twist/rotate the torso of the leg that is in the front towards the lateral side as shown in figure C.
  • Get back to starting a position. Repeat while alternating the legs.

Watch out for:

  • Don’t bend your torso forward
  • Keep the core engaged
  • Twist towards the leg which is forward
When to do it?

This can be used as a warm-up exercise or as a mobility drill. 10 repetitions on each leg as a warm-up and 3 sets of 10 repetitions as a mobility drill are good starting points.