“Standing Psoas March” is a sibling of last week’s #WoW Supine Psoas March. Like its sibling, this workout builds hip flexor strength and makes it even more specific to Running. Standing psoas march is an excellent running form drill, and helps to master better running form in many ways:

  • Better upper body and lower body coordination
  • Improves knee drive
  • Improves pelvic stability and balance
  • Improves trunk stability
How to do it?

This exercise requires a loop resistance band of appropriate strength as per your fitness

  • Stand tall with the loop resistance band around your feet.
  • Lift one of your legs by driving the knee up and forward.
  • While lifting, drive the elbow to the opposite side mimicking running motion.
  • Continue to drive the knee till you flex your hip to about 90 degrees as shown in figure A.
  • Once the band is fully stretched bring the leg back to the original position
  • If you are a beginner, take the support of the wall as shown in figure B.
  • Repeat it on the other leg
When to do it?

Do 2 sets of 10 to 12 repeats as part of your mobility training or strength training. You can also include this workout as part of your pre-run activation and form drill.