Step Back Lunge or Reverse Lunge is a lower ­body workout that places your legs in asymmetrical position and challenges your pelvic stability, control, and overall balance, which is very important for good running form. It also helps mobilize hip flexors and helps in better hip extension. It is a very effective workout for runners to improve hip mechanics.

How to do it?
  • Stand in a neutral position with feet shoulder-width apart (figure A)
  • While in this position, step back with the trailing leg landing softly on the toes. Keep the hips level and pelvis directly under the shoulders. Ensure the upper body is erect (as shown in the figure B)
  • Continue to lower the body until the forward leg gets into a 90-degree angle at the knee
  • Keep the weight over the heel of the leading leg and the knee aligned with the foot (as shown in the figure B)
  • Pull the trail leg and body back up and forward to starting position. Repeat the same with alternate leg

You can add resistance by holding dumbbells. However, lunges can place a lot of stress on the knees, particularly on the trail leg. So add weights only after building good pelvic stability and leg strength.

It is important to

  • Keep the weight on the heel of the lead leg.
  • Keep the knee of the lead leg aligned with the foot and behind the toe.
  • Keep the upper body erect, head and neck in a neutral position throughout the exercise.
When to do it?

You can include this as part of your strength training workout with 2 sets of 10 repeats on each side.