Weak hips affect our running in different ways. Higher Pelvic Drop, Cross over of the foot when landing, and a multitude of other issues. Monster walk is a simple and effective workout to improve hip strength, more specifically hip abductors; and all we need is a resistance band.

How to do it?

You will need a resistance band for this workout.

  • Loop the resistance band just below the knees.
  • Stand with hip and knees slightly bent, and move your feet wide apart to stretch the band and feel the resistance.
  • Move forward with one foot at a time slowly, while keeping the resistance on (See the picture above).
  • You can adjust the position of the resistance band downwards to increase the difficulty of this workout.
When to do it?

Monster walk can be done as part of an activation routine before the run, or part of your strength training. When done as an activation routine, restrict it to 2 sets of 20 steps. When done as part of strength training 4-5 sets of 30-50 steps is a good start point.