Powerful and explosive hip extension is what gives all that power to a good running stride. Kettlebell Swings do that perfectly.

This workout requires a kettlebell.

  • Start the movement with the kettlebell on the floor between your feet
  • Bend by pushing the hips back (hip hinge) and at the knees. Grab the kettlebell with both hands and pull it back between your legs to create momentum. (as shown in the figure A)
  • Then drive your hips forward and extend your hip fully to raise the kettlebell up (as shown in figure B).
  • Once up, you let the kettlebell go down back in front of your legs, and repeat the motion


  • In the Russian variation of the kettlebell swing, you raise the kettlebell to shoulder height. In American variation, you raise it over your head.
  • Needless to say, the Russian variation is safe for beginners. Learn the American variation with the coach’s supervision.
  • While a kettlebell is more effective and safer, you can also replace it with a dumbbell

When to do it?

Recommended for all runners starting with Russian variation, smaller weights (8 kg and lower), and 10 reps of 3 sets is a good start. As you get comfortable you can increase the weight, as well as the number of rounds to get more benefit out of it.