The Cross-Over Step Ups (aka Diagonal Step Ups) help improve adductors (inner thighs) and abductors (outer thighs) muscles, along with enhancing stability while running. These muscles help in stronger thigh and hip muscles. More importantly, cross-over step-ups are excellent at improving Hip rotation, and addressing left and right imbalances of foot alignment.

How to do it?

This exercise requires a box or a bench with a height just about or below the knee level

  • Stand as close as possible to the side of a bench or box, with hips square and facing forward as shown in figure A.
  • Place the lateral leg on the bench (cross-over position). While doing so, ensure knee and foot are aligned as much as possible as shown in figure B.
  • Step up on the bench as shown in the figure C.
  • Slowly step down back down to the position in B, while engaging the hips, and maintaining strong knee & foot alignment.
  • Repeat the step-up, desired number of times. once down switch-over the other side of the bench and then repeat the same.
Watch out
  • Ensure your hips are square are through the movement
  • Stand very close to the bench and align the knee and foot of the leg that is placed on the bench, so as not to stress the lateral knee
  • To keep the core engaged and do not tilt
  • Create the force to step-up using glutes and adductors.
  • If you are currently having lateral knee injuries such as IT Band Pain, or Runner’s Knee, please use caution
When to do it?

Include it as part of your strength training. 2 sets of 10 repetitions on each side.