Weak adductor muscles are often the reason for toe-out (check out our latest article on this below) at mid-stance of your running. Toe-out is often contributes to inefficiency in our running, also can cause variety of other issues, including groin injuries. Weak adductors also also often the reason for knees caving in (knee valgus).

Copenhagen plank helps to strengthen the adductor muscles (inner thigh muscles) and helps the knees from caving in while running, as well as helps in minimizing the toe-out.

How to do it?

Copenhagen planks are advanced version of side planks. This exercise will require a bench or a chair.

  • Get into a side plank position by lying down on one side
  • Place the foot that is above, on top of the bench as shown in the figure.
  • The foot at the bottom also should be engaged and keep it in the air close to the foot that is above.
  • The arm which is supporting from the ground should be right below the shoulder.
  • Keep the whole body in a straight line and hold it for 20-30 secs and then repeat on the other side
When to do it?

Copenhagen plank can be part of your strength training regime. Start with 3 repeats of 20-30s seconds. You can increase the duration slowly.