The calf Raises drill is one of the easiest exercises to perform. It has two variations. The first variation involves calf-raise from the flat heel position. The second variation includes calf-raise with heel-drop.

Calf Raises help runners in multiple ways. At a basic level, it helps strengthen calf muscles, that includes posterior tibialis. Posterior Tibialis plays an important role in controlling the foot arch, hence calf-raises are a good drill to build a strong foot arch and control the pronation and foot stability. The second variation includes heel-drop also helps in stretching the calf, ankle & plantar, and adds further difficulty to Calf Raises.

How to do it?

This drill needs a step and support of wall or railing

  • Stand on the step; with weight on the toes, and for balance hold a grill or wall with your hands as shown in the figure A
  • Then raise yourself on the toes all the way, and hold it for 2-3 seconds as shown in the figure B
  • Once you are in the position, bring your heels all the way down
  • In calf-raises drill (first variation), hold the heel position once you reach the horizontal position as shown in figure A
  • In calf-raises with heel-drop (second variation), bring the heel down all the way (not touching the ground) so the calf feels the full stretch as shown in the figure C.
  • Bring the heel back to position as show in figure A.
  • Repeat this as many times as prescribed.
When to do it?

Do it twice in a week with 20 to 30 repetitions as part of your strength training. Once you are used to doing it with both legs; try doing it with only one leg while the other leg is taken off from the ground.