Glute Strength

Barbell Hip Thrusters

How to do it? Key things to watch out When to do it? No matter how much strength one has, the ability to run faster and efficiently depends on …

Kettle Bell Swings or Dumbbell Swings

Powerful and explosive hip extension is what gives all that power to a good running stride. Kettlebell Swings do that perfectly. This workout requires …

Single Leg Glute Bridge

How to do it? When to do it? How to do it? Lay on your back, knees bent and feet touching on the floor, similar to regular glute bridges. …

Drills and workouts for Better Stride

Training to improve the stride requires the runners to work in a structured manner, and that would involve: Running drills Mobility drills Strength …

Suitcase Deadlift

Suitcase Deadlift is a unilateral strength workout to build lateral chain(left and right sides of the body) stability and minimize left and right …

Step Ups

How to do it? Remember: When to do it? Step-ups are a unilateral exercise that improves balance and strengthens quadriceps, glutes, and …

Step Back Lunge / Reverse Lunge

Step Back Lunge or Reverse Lunge is a lower ­body workout that places your legs in asymmetrical position and challenges your pelvic stability, …

Squat Box Jumps

How to do it? Keep in Mind When to do it? Squat Box Jumps are a more challenging variation of box jumps, primarily to work on improving …

Split Jumps / Lunge Jumps

If the question is what is that one workout that helps your balance, strength, and mobility, and also adds power to your running, the answer is split …

Resistance Band Running

Leaning forward at the ankle, while not bending at the hips is a very important part of good running posture, which helps economy and performance. …

Glute Bridge

Glutes play an important role in improving our pace, by generating the power required for good hip extension and hence a powerful stride. Glute …

Cossack Squat

How to do it? Watch out When to do it? Cossack Squat helps improve the range of motion, control, and strength of our adductor muscles, while …

Barbell Squats

How to do it? Watch out When to do it? Barbell Squats are an all round workout, and are a great way to strengthen the muscles, particularly …

Single Leg Squat Jump

At RunMechanics, shock at impact is one of the most frequently occurring imbalances that we see. Shock at impact can go up to 2-5 times the bodyweight …

Contact Us

  • Namma CrossFit, 446, 17th Cross Road, Sector 4, HSR Layout, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560102

  • P: +91 96636 10444

  • E: [email protected]

Collaborate with us

If you are a running coach, strength coach, or a physio, we would like to work with you to help runners reach their optimal potential. Please drop us an email or call us.

If you are part of a Running group, we are happy to discuss with you on how we can help your runners.